Graybar Springs into Action with Junior Achievement
Graybar has a longstanding relationship with Junior Achievement, and provides volunteers for several of their events in St. Louis every year.

This spring, St. Louis-area employees volunteered at three JA sponsored events.
In March and April, Graybar employees visited JA BizTown – a “mini-city” in which kids discover how the “real world” works. Throughout the day, volunteers assisted elementary school students with working in one of 17 business simulations, managing businesses, writing checks and earning profit.
Employees also volunteered at JA Finance Park. At JA Finance Park, students learn about making personal financial decisions in a real-world setting. Each student receives an adult persona and they visit simulated businesses to learn how to make financial decisions, such as managing a household budget, using bank services or making purchasing and investment decisions.
St. Louis-area employees look forward to participating in future JA events!