Beard Clashes & Best ‘Staches

In November, more than 35 men from the Boston and New York Districts participated in Movember – a month-long movement dedicated to spreading awareness of men’s mental health and wellbeing.
At the beginning of the month, participants submitted a clean shaven photo of themselves. Throughout November, the gentlemen grew and groomed their mustache for a chance to win the coveted “Best ‘Stache” at the end of the competition. The districts raised more than $2,700 for the Movember charity.

Graybar’s Sioux Falls Branch recently raised money and served as an official event sponsor for the Fifth Annual Beard Clash competition hosted by the Falls Facial Hair Foundation. Their efforts benefited Bread Break, a food-harvesting mission that works with restaurants and cafeterias to collect perfectly good, unused prepared food, freeze it, and distribute it to ministry centers which feed those in need.
This year’s event featured 70 contestants and hundreds of spectators from all over the country. States that were represented included New York, California, Texas, South Carolina, Kansas and more. The event raised more than $8,200.